Thursday, December 10, 2009

Why do they say Lowes and AMC merged, when really they just meant AMC took over and raised the price

I hate AMC theaters, they are a rip off, and now all Lowes theaters are AMC's too. Its bullsh*t! Matinee used to start at 6 and now its 4, tickets are more, and the food is more. Way to ruin my favortie passtime.

Why do they say Lowes and AMC merged, when really they just meant AMC took over and raised the prices?violin

I remember seeing this on tv last summer. Its called a merge cause it has to do with the way the ownership - stock, is transfered. The lowes stockholders got shares in the new amc/lowes company. Theres usually a percentage. This is as opposed to an aquisition, where one company pays a dollar amount per share to the share holders of the old company.

I agree, I am sick of going to the movies and paying 9 bucks and then 8 bucks for popcorn and movies. I remember seeing star trek 6 at AMC and it was 3 dollars for the ticket and 3 dollars for the popcorn and soda.

Fu(king a!

Why do they say Lowes and AMC merged, when really they just meant AMC took over and raised the prices?chinese theater opera theater

Can u imagine that I watched "Freedomland" for 10$ on Time Square. It is just crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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