Saturday, December 5, 2009

Do You rent Movies Or Go To Movies???

I hardly ever go to the movies anymore. way to expensive plus the cost of drinks and popcorn. It's crazy you'd think for the AMC etc theaters they could lower the food prices since their tickets are so high

Do You rent Movies Or Go To Movies???opera songs

Rent most of the time. Maybe go once every two months.

Before I go to the movies I must project the budget.

Do You rent Movies Or Go To Movies???secure browser opera theater

I rent but with kids that makes it sooooo much easier
If the movie is worth all the sound effects and I don't know what, I'll go to the cinema.. Otherwise I'll download it, burn it and watch it with friends.. I wouldn't even bother to rent it.. I go to the cinema for the effects only!
rent, much cheaper, quieter, and just better overall.
Go to the movies. There's a theatre where I live that only charges $3. (They only show movies after they've been out for a month or two, but who cares?)

If I rent movies, they are ones that I can't see anywhere else (like from the '30s, etc.).
Both. But mostly rent because I can watch them when I want.
If it's big screen worthy, (ex: Lord of the Rings trilogy,

The Kingdom, Pirates of the Carribean) then we try to make it to the movies. We smuggle stuff in from time to time to make the snacks cheaper. But we rent a lot, too. So, we do both.

I go to the movies but I don't buy popcorn while I'm there. Movie theater popcorn makes me sick everytime. Otherwise I buy them when they come out on dvd. 9 times out of 10 when I've bought a movie I hadn't seen before, I end up loving it. I have rented movies in the past though.
Both...if I miss movie then I rent movie.
Mainly rent/buy but I make the effort to see the best I can in the theater, and the ones that stand out as odd.
I have a membership to both Blockbuster and NetFlix. I also have the rewards card from AMC; however, renting is what I typically prefer...that way I can watch commericial free entertainment in my jammies:)
Both- renting is cheaper-
i don't do either.
I go to the majestic every once in a while but usaully wait untill my friends get it or at least rent it myself. Some movie theaters are really nasty.(ugh)

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